Kat Gardner is a freelance baker and cake decorator I know from a part -time job who approached me about an identity for her work just to promote herself a little more. Her business works on word of mouth currently so business cards is a must, with the potential to expand and develop further with work. Weirdly first job was to devise a name for her freelance work, to allow business other than family and friends. 'Kat Gardner - Decorated Cakes' after various changes on a baking and decorating treatment, which just sounded like a decorator painter. Kat bakes and decorates from her own recipe from start to finish, so a personal approachable feeling is also a must. Her interests although might not be relevant is Japanense, currently taking a course in the language, might be nice to include some subtle influences into the designs.
With quite a scope of development/ideas to be had, just began with simple imagery and typographic treatments for logo ideas, working again with initials, small pictograms and general cake/cupcake imagery to draw conclusions to ideas.
With Kat producing cakes from start to finish, the idea of incorporating 'love and care' into the designs seemed like a no brainer. working on 'love and care in a cupcake' lead onto manipulating on screen where treatments could be produced relatively quickly. 'GDC' was a strong direction at this stage, twinning with small pictograms, but will only be decided with further development.
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