Ok, so in order to make more informed decisions about what I want to produce over the next few months (and beyond) Ive compiled a list of wants and don't wants in order to structure my work and create beneficial briefs.
What I want and why-
High end print skills
relevant to the project
- To produce high end outcomes for a variety of mediums. Attention to detail is key.
Produce a variety of packaging solutions
- Opportunity to work with a variety of stock, budgets clients + effective use of material. Majority of the time its great to go crazy with stock and have rich varieties of materials and finishes, but I also want to create solutions that have the same merit, but with a smaller budget and just as effective.
Effectively visualise data / information
- Create graphic design with a purpose, display important information in a variety of ways including considering limitations and accessibility. Making potentially boring/laborious information readable and interesting.
Typography in all forms
-Typography is going to be a largest part of my third year, and probably future career. I want to explore semiotics and variations produced for different purposes. Creating typefaces, type as image, compositions, layout/editorial, found type and logo design. I want to look at how type is read and its effect on the user.
Branding and Identity
-To create an individual experience with a variety of combined techniques including type, print, logo design and selective use of colour for reader and output.
Graphic Design with a purpose.
What i don't want and why-
To illustrate
-With the variety of illustrators around, it makes sense to decide on an illustrator suited for the job and collaborate, instead of adapting your own style. If you can't beat them, just hire them.
Develop Web design skills
-Designing for web yes, but not producing websites from scratch. Someone will be able to do it in half the time, faster and much cheaper than I would be able to.
Moving image
- A whole other direction to produce work, introducing another dimension takes dedication and lots of practice to produce the standard of effective work. I just don't have the skills base.
- Translating ideas into handmade visuals means there are less control on outcomes, and isn't to my nature. COnverting handmade visuals to industry standard prints/screen loses the handmade qualities anyway.
Character/vinyl design
-Although an interest to collect vinyl toys, production to get the standard I would want would involve a large commitment, compromising my other and stronger interests.
As part of PPD, I will update a visual gallery of work I want to produce and Design I find inspirational.