The brief- a live YCN brief in pairs of creative partners. I had an idea of who i wanted to work with before we had the selection process, but it was still really useful to re-evaluate yourself of your strengths and weaknesses and find out what skills you wish to gain and learn from.
These are my campaigns for myself, little annoyed that the grey hearts didn't come out grey at all.. but I do like the layout. 5 column, using the central 3 for type in order of ethic/skill/understanding. The next design is also similar to my own, with what I wanted from a partner.
Her handmade designs caught my attention, mixing some type with stock imagery seemed quite fun and what I want to achieve.
From the initial collaboration and conversations we have had, I have a good feeling of this particular brief, we get on really well, have similar and contrasting interests and a clear idea of which briefs to do. So should be good!